Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Blue Angel

"It's All a Swindle" (Alles Schwindel), by Mischa Spoliansky and Marcellus Schiffer

are magicians
who make swindles disappear
The bribes they are taking
the deals they are making
never reach the public's ear

sind Zauberer
die Schwindeleien verschwinden zu lassen
Die Bestechungsgelder sie einnehmen
die Angebote, die sie machen
Ohr der Öffentlichkeit erreicht nie

This specific part of the song talks about the deceiving part of politics. The truth that never reaches the public’s ears. All politicians have an ulterior motive. More than likely politicians will create an illusion for us to see just like a magician, not revealing the selfish and dishonest reasons behind their intentions. They take bribes from multimillion dollar companies who fund their campaign because after elected this person now being in a position of power will be in favor of these companies. It’s like the Bush family and their ties with the Bin Laden family, in fact, the older sibling Salem Bin Laden was one of Bush’s first business partners back when the Bush family started their oil company. Not to mention, Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was the head of Securacom, the company that provided security for the world trade center during 9/11. John F. Kennedy once said that in politics things do not just happen, things are made to happen.

Take for example the Federal Reserve System which prints bills (and not money because it’s not supported by anything, basically worthless notes) and charges us, the people interest on it, roughly 300 billion a year, of which 20 billion is given to The U.S. Treasury. Basically the Federal Reserve is a private bank and just like any other it's in business for profit. This system makes us a debtor nation because the U.S. does not have a money supply. The Federal Reserve System is a debt supplier. You don’t hear about this when politicians speak about the inflation and high interest rates which cause many to lose their homes and businesses. John F. Kennedy has been the only president in U.S. history to discontinue the printing of Federal Reserve notes, but after Kennedy's death 3 months after signing the bill that put that into effect, the Federal Reserve went back to business. Thomas Jefferson said, “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered”

Also women being oppressed in this day and age is a political movement happening behind the scenes. 

One last example, in 2008 Obama promised to label GMO’s saying “We’ll let folks know whether their food is genetically modified because Americans should know”, he made a promise in several interviews. In 2013, however, he signed the Monsato Protection Act making GMO giants immune to the law. Also Obama appointed Monsato’s vice president as senior to the FDA. Unbelievable! 

I could go on and on about this topic because I’m very passionate about all of the things kept from us and that is why I chose this piece of the song, just to speak a little about things that maybe others weren’t aware of. 

"Night Ghost" (Nachtgespenst), music by Rudolf Nelson, lyrics by Friedrich Hollaender

I have no interest in taking your jewels,
Only your ivory skin appeals to me.
As a night ghost I don’t take any shiny jewels;
only enough for the return fare.

Ich habe kein Interesse daran, Ihre Juwelen ,
Nur Ihr elfenbeinfarbene Haut reizt mich .
Als Nachtgespenst ich nehmen keine glänzenden Schmuckstücke ;
nur genug für die Hin- und Rückfahrt .

This speaks about an affair and a lady willing to take risks to get what she wants. She’s not interested in his money or jewels, she just wants from him what appeals to her which is his touch, I guess. She says I only need the fair for the ride back which is very courageous of this lady as she comes to his house with an uncertainty of getting back home. I chose this piece because I like the instability in which she lives her life. This lady is in her own way invisible and of course dauntless. 

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